a - z指数

常见问题 and Additional Information


大学的在线活动日历仅适用于全国网赌正规平台赞助的活动. 不是由西北组织或部门赞助的活动不应该放在日历上,并可能被删除.

事件日历 Style Guide

Short, concise entries are recommended. Additional information, 比如表单, 应该引用和链接到一个网页,其中的信息驻留.

Calendar entries must include the following:

  • 事件名称, 在活动名称中注明主办部门、办事处或组织. Note, the event search box on the 事件日历 homepage 只搜索事件标题,因此包含部门名称可以提高可搜索性. 例如,使用“职业服务:模拟面试日”而不是“模拟面试日”."
  • Date and time of the event. Example: 09/18/2008 03:00 PM
  • Location of the event. Several options for including a location are available. Campus buildings are provided in a dropdown filter menu. If the building is not available or to provide a specific room, use the "Specific Location" option to include room numbers, facilities or off-campus venues and addresses.
  • Calendar filters and categories selection(s): While every entry appears on the master calendar, users also may select other calendar options to maximize an audience. 例如, 校友活动, you may select the "校友,“教职工”和“教职员”受众过滤器以及“校友会”推送过滤. 但是,不要添加明显不属于某个区域的日历过滤器吗.


  • 联系人: 只要有可能, include a sponsoring department, academic area or organization as well as the name, email and phone number for a person coordinating the event. Phone numbers should provided the complete 10-digit number, including the area code; Northwest-provided phone numbers and email addresses should be listed.
  • 目的: Describe the event that is occurring, including program notes, 演讲者, food menus and other details.
  • 成本: 注意该活动是否免费或包括门票信息,如果适用的话.

To assist with writing about your event, the University provides an editorial style guide.

指定的位置 (optional section)

如果没有列出事件的位置或需要额外的位置详细信息, click the checkbox for 指定的位置.



Each field is optional, and you may enter the information as necessary. Enter room number or facility names 只有 (e.g., "Room 105," "Ballroom," 等.) Do not include the campus building name or abbreviations. Campus building should be applied in the 过滤器区域.

联系 Details (optional section)


单击复选框后,联系 Details输入字段将显示如下所示.


Each field is optional, and you may enter the information as necessary.

Image (optional section)




Select images for the event thumbnail and banner as uploaded.

For more information about adding images, visit our 图像引导部分.

Custom Details (optional section)


单击复选框后,Custom Details输入字段将出现,如下所示.


添加自定义详细信息将提供一个图标和文本,如果提供了web链接,也可以点击. 发布后,信息将显示在活动网页侧边栏的详细信息部分.

There are four types of icons users may add:

  • 地图标记
  • 美元符号
  • 注册



This is reserved for 事件日历 admins to apply. 


The event search box on the 事件日历 homepage 仅搜索事件标题,包含部门或组织名称可提高可搜索性. 例如,使用“职业服务:模拟面试日”而不是“模拟面试日”."

Frequently Asked Questions

Not seeing your question? 电子邮件 webteam@wallstreetware.com to ask and request an answer to be added here. 

What events are appropriate for the University 事件日历?

大学活动日历上的活动应该是大学赞助的活动 只有. 由与全国网赌正规平台无关的组织赞助的活动或推广与全国网赌正规平台使命无关的节目不应添加到大学活动日历中,并可能被删除.


  • open to the general public; or
  • open to interested members of the University community, 包括学生, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, or parents of students;
  • 由校园部门、办公室或大学认可的组织赞助.


Office hours and course scheduling are not appropriate for the calendar.

Registration deadlines may be added to the calendar for the first day of a registration period and the last date of registration; please add one event for each day.

How do I post an event to the University events calendar?

To suggest an event be posted to the Northwest 事件日历, send details about the event to one of the 事件日历 managers.

If your area is not represented by an 事件日历 manager, use our 提交表单 to request the Web Team create an event.

如果您经常进行编辑或组织事件,并希望获得“事件日历”的访问权限, 电子邮件的 webteam@wallstreetware.com to request access and training. 

How do I edit an existing event?

  • In Cascade, navigate to the event file.
    • 事件文件应位于指定计划事件的月份和年份的文件夹中. In cases when the file is misplaced, 您可以通过在live 事件日历网站上搜索事件并使用URL确定文件夹位置和文件名来找到它.
  • Click Edit in the action toolbar. 
  • Make the necessary edits and click Submit. 
  • Be sure to click Publish to make the edits live. 更改可能需要几分钟才能出现,具体取决于文件中的音量 发布队列.

Why is the event I made (or edits to my event) not showing?

One of three scenarios are likely:

  1. It may take several minutes, depending on the volume in the 发布队列. You can check the queue to see if that process is still taking place. 
    • 另外, 发布事件将自动更新所有必要的相关项(页), 提要, 等.). 根据发布队列中的卷,这可能需要几分钟到一个小时.
    • 注意,事件的单独页面将比事件日历主页更新得更快.
  2. The event or edits were not submitted. 检查 草案. If you have 草案, review the content, submit and publish. 
  3. The event or edits were submitted 只有 and not published. 提交的事件将显示在Cascade的事件日历主页预览中,但不会显示在实时站点上.


更多的 than likely, the event needs to be published. 

To fix, navigate to the page and click publish. Be sure to leave all settings as they are and click publish again. The event should be live shortly. It may take several minutes, depending on the volume in the 发布队列.

If the issue persists, contact the webteam@wallstreetware.com

Cancel vs Delete - what do I do?

Cancel is recommended

在大多数情况下,建议将事件标记为已取消而不是删除. 这个动作通知观众活动取消了,减少了混乱.

To mark an event 'Canceled':

  • navigate to the event file in Cascade
  • 点击编辑
  • click Yes from the "Label this event as canceled" selection. 
  • Submit the event and publish. This will automatically update the event page and listing.

注意: 在你发表之后, the event page itself will update fairly quickly, 但是活动主页可能要多花几分钟的时间来反映这些变化. 


If you need to delete an event (for example if an event was added twice):

  • navigate to the event file that needs to be deleted in Cascade
  • select 更多的 in the upper right corner
  • select Delete from the menu; leave all settings as they are and click the Delete button. 
  • The event will be removed when the publish process is completed. This may take several minutes to an hour.

Why were edits made to my page without my knowledge?

大学营销和传播办公室监控全国网赌正规平台网站上的所有内容. 编辑可能是为了文体和语法,或为了消除冗余,以及其他原因. 

If edits were made that do not accurately promote the event, contact the webteam@wallstreetware.com